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Career Details

Elise Richter postdoctoral fellow (senior postdoc)

01/2023 - 12/2026

Department for Astrophysics, University of Vienna (Austria) 

I have received the FWF (Austrian Science Fund) Elise-Richter fellowship to continue working at the intersection between cosmology and galaxy formation.

Stipend for independent research

09/2022 - 12/2022

Department for Astrophysics, University of Vienna (Austria) 

I have been awarded with the Marie-Jahoda stipend (30k Euro) from the Faculty for Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy for short-time independent research.

Postdoctoral fellow

09/2019 - 08/2022

Lorentz Institute for theoretical physics, Leiden University (Netherlands) hosted by Alexey Boyarsky


With a personal grant from the NWO (Dutch research council) I will investigate the nature of the dark matter particle. 

Research assistant (post-doc)

2014 - 2019

Leiden Observatory, Leiden University (Netherlands), with Joop Schaye; including a seven month employment at Durham University (United Kingdom) with Carlos Frenk


In a collaboration with scientists from mostly Leiden University and Durham University (UK) I am working on a new generation of cosmological simulations.

University assistant prae-doc (PhD student)

2009 - 2014

Department for Astrophysics, University of Vienna (Austria), PhD supervisor: Gerhard Hensler


Together with Simone Recchi (University of Vienna) and Pavel Kroupa (University of Bonn, Germany) I was using the FLASH code to study the evolution of tidal dwarf galaxies. I extended the hydrodynamic code by implementing modules for star formation, stellar feedback, radiative cooling, and a tidal field to carry out this research. 

Sylvia Ploeckinger

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