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Research Group

Computational cosmological galaxy formation

Available research projects for students

Specific available examples for research projects can be found on the moodle pages for the master and bachelor thesis projects but do not hesitate to contact me to discuss potential topics related to computational galaxy formation, cosmological simulations, or chemical processes in the interstellar medium for a research project!


Student projects 2023

In 2023 I am supervising the following student projects:

  • Galaxy properties as tracers for dark matter models (Carla Schoder, master thesis project)

  • The rotation curve diversity in cosmological simulations with a multi-phase interstellar medium (Katharina Kain, master thesis project)

  • The formation of warps in disk galaxies (Anna Orosel, bachelor thesis project)

  • Producing jellyfish galaxies in idealised simulations (Lydia Sperneder, bachelor thesis project)

Student projects before 2023

Before 2023, I have supervised three master thesis project, one bachelor thesis project and one summer research project (LEAPS summer school) as main supervisor. In addition, I have co-supervised two master thesis projects. The work of three of these projects is published with the master student as lead or contributing author:

Sylvia Ploeckinger

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